
Tabs for illustrations not loading

CodeUnit02 opened this issue · 0 comments

I have a problem with opening new tabs. Sometimes this extension causes the pages to hang and not load when opening in new tabs. I have to use the main tab and browse the artworks one by one. It used to allow me to open a new tab or even multiple tabs. Now it sometimes just doesn't want to load. To fix it, I had to exit my browser and open it up again. But eventually it keeps giving me problem. And I know for a fact that it's the extension's fault because I disabled it and sure enough, the new tabs for artworks open just fine.

Then there was also one time when I was trying to download a batch of illustrations as a zip file on two separate tabs, but they got stuck during the download.

I don't know what's wrong with this extension. There's always something with this thing. I don't know if it's taking up ram or it's trying to communicate to Pixiv's server (and fails) or what. Now I'm just turning it off while browsing/saving single or few illustrations. I would only resort to turning this back on for the huge batch of illustrations.

Vivaldi | 6.1.3035.204 (Stable channel) (64-bit)

P.S. I have no idea to how upload the settings Json file here.