
Codetrotters Fellowship 2016 Application Coding Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Codetrotters Fellowship Coding Challenge Summer 2017


Codetrotters Fellowship links promising developers with global startups so they can get invaluable real life experience.

As part of the application process we post a coding challenge every year, and this year's applications will be accepted through February 15th, 2017.

You can read more about the Codetrotters Fellowship at http://www.codetrotters.com/fellowship

##Participating in the Challenge

To participate in this challenge, you need a GitHub account. Fork this repository and once you finish with your solution, send us a Pull Request.

We are looking forward to reading all your solutions!


Medalla BAC Calculator

You will build a calculator for measuring Blood Alcohol Concentration based on weight, number of Medallas consumed, and the amount of time that has passed since consumption. You can build such a program using any language you choose.

Yeah. Helpful for weekends on the beach in PR.

##Exercise Requirements

  • Prompt user for their weight (lbs), the total number of Medallas they have consumed, and the amount of time that has passed since drinking (hours)
  • Use this information to calculate the BAC of the person
  • Return that number (BAC) to the User

You can be as technical or non-technical as you want with this exercise. If you want to truly model a BAC calculator, there are formulas out there that you can find on Google. An example of such a formula is below:

BAC% = (A × 5.14/W × 0.69) - .015 × H 
  A: Total alcohol consumed, in ounces (oz)
  W: Body weight, in pounds (lbs)
  H: Time passed since drinking, in hours

If you want to use the above formula, you'll have to determine how many ounces (oz) of alcohol are in 1 medalla. But it should be straightforward after modifying the formula for that!