
Sparbanken Tanum 2

Closed this issue · 3 comments

trmd commented

My bank has changed export format during an upgade.

The files are named after the export date and time:
translates as

The first line can be ignored (export period and creation date)
The second line can be ignored (header row)
Third line begins data, with these columns;:
skip,skip,skip,skip,skip,date,skip,skip,Payee,skip,Inflow and Outflow (represented by positive and negative values),skip

Hope that is enough! Thanks so much for this project and your work.

Sample file:

  • Transaktioner Period 2019-10-01ñ2019-10-12 Skapad 2019-10-12 14:57 CEST
    Radnummer,Clearingnummer,Kontonummer,Produkt,Valuta,Bokfˆringsdag,Transaktionsdag,Valutadag,Referens,Beskrivning,Belopp,Bokfˆrt saldo
    1,83519,0036110559,"Privatkonto",SEK,2019-10-14,2019-10-12,2019-10-12,"ANTIKVARIAT NORD","Swish",-120.00,21834.16
    3,83519,0036110559,"Privatkonto",SEK,2019-10-11,2019-10-11,2019-10-11,"NOVARA MEDIA DON","Kortkˆp/uttag",-61.95,21965.16
    4,83519,0036110559,"Privatkonto",SEK,2019-10-10,2019-10-10,2019-10-10,"HEMGLASS GOTEBOR","Kortkˆp/uttag",-119.00,22027.11
    5,83519,0036110559,"Privatkonto",SEK,2019-10-10,2019-10-10,2019-10-10,"THE RED LION","Kortkˆp/uttag",-600.00,22146.11
    6,83519,0036110559,"Privatkonto",SEK,2019-10-10,2019-10-10,2019-10-10,"SNABB SKO OCH NY","Kortkˆp/uttag",-160.00,22746.11
    9,83519,0036110559,"Privatkonto",SEK,2019-10-09,2019-10-09,2019-10-09,"TIER SE 10-54856","Kortkˆp/uttag",-20.00,22935.11

Hey @trmd,
thanks for the update! Could you provide the sample file as an uploaded CSV file? GitHub seems to alter the formatting of the text you provided so I can't reliably work with it.

I've implemented the new format (the old format is still supported). If it doesn't work for you, please feel free to re-open this issue :)