
Format Request - 1822direkt Frankfurter Sparkasse

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hey there, it would be awesome if you could provide a way to convert 1822direkt (Frankfurter Sparkasse) CSV files to YNAB.
I've attached a sample.
Thank you for your hard work!


Thanks for your request! I'll get to it this afternoon :)


I'm almost done. Do you know if it is possible to export statements for more than one account in one single file? I'm asking because of the first "Kontonummer" field. If that was the case, I would split the file into multiple output files, one for each account.

I just checked in the online banking software, and it doesn't seem possible. Each account produces a seperate csv file, in which the "Kontonummer" field is the same one for every row.

The changes are currently building and should be online in a few minutes. Please check if it works for you. Feel free to re-open this ticket, should there be any problems :)

Unfortunately, I get the message that no parser could be found.
The console gives me the following error:

The file umsaetze-12345678-25.03.2020_14_54.csv was matched by <empty string>

Oh, I see. I deployed the site wrong. The correct version should be up in a few minutes. To check if you're using the newest version, please go to the Supported Formats page and look for 1822direkt :)

Works like a charm now. Thank you!

Awesome! You're welcome :)