
Installing @leon-ai/cli creates a leon birth, no need for second command

Briscoooe opened this issue · 1 comments

The docs insist that the commands to install leon are

$ npm install --global @leon-ai/cli
$ leon create birth

However, running the first command outputs this

✔ Installing packages
✔ Installing Python
✔ Downloading Leon source code
✔ Installing npm dependencies
✔ Building Leon core

Success: Leon is born! 🎉
You can start your leon instance:
exec $SHELL
leon start

Which runs the leon create birth command in the background. If you run the second command after install, you get this

$ leon create birth
Error: /Users/briscoooe/.leon already exists, please provide another path.

This page in the docs and the landing page (under "Be the owner of your Leon, today") need to be updated to remove the suggestion of the second command

The first command installs the Leon CLI and does not create any Leon instance. The second command creates a Leon instance via the CLI.
If you get this error message, it means that you have already ran leon create birth earlier.