The Meteor framework development tool belt, evolved.
- 18
Performance Issues
#34 opened by mitsol - 1
No Data
#52 opened by bruceborrett - 7
v1.8.1 crashes browser
#48 opened by stefanve - 3
v1.8.1 has no data, v1.6 still does
#49 opened by kevinkorte - 5
- 16
Empty Collection Tab on Meteor 2.2
#35 opened by aboire - 4
Uncaught DOMException when using mongo-decimal and a client collection includes a document with a Decimal object.
#41 opened by gfbeqs - 33
- 1
Performance Tab empty
#33 opened by ricaragao - 1
Create a Edit Profile Page
#25 opened by saitoshi - 9
Problem with inject.js
#17 opened by charlesdeb - 1
MiniMongo shell
#27 opened by yurtsiv - 4
Add support for unnamed collections.
#5 opened by santiagopuentep - 1
Would it be possible to add DDP connections?
#10 opened by jankapunkt - 1
- 3
nothing happens when I click on the icon
#29 opened by iuvalc - 3
Embedded map blocked
#12 opened by mhlmhl - 1
- 1
Why not extend Constellation?
#9 opened by mbatchkarov - 1
Extension context invalidated
#11 opened by hexsprite - 1
Security & General Warnings
#3 opened by leonardoventurini - 1
Scroll bar covers status bar
#8 opened by dmihal - 2
Noisy warnings on non-Meteor sites
#6 opened by hexsprite - 3
- 3
Replay Meteor Method Call From Bookmarks
#1 opened by renanccastro