
Do not use the absolute path to the workspace for the rich presence: rpc.detailsEditing

HTGAzureX1212 opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I only wanted to show the name of my workspace, instead of the entire path to the workspace. Is there a way to configure it like this?

I dug further into the source code:


I guess it didn't work as in the directories on Windows are actually backslashes: \ instead of the regular slash: /. The source only splits on regular slashes but not backslashes.

@leonardssh any plans to fix this, as in: checking the current platform and split on \ if it's Windows, and / if its not Windows?

It will be fixed in the next version, which will be in about a few days. Due to the fact that the entire extension was rewritten and passed on events, no more timers.

At the same time, moving to events, we added some new features, including the 'Viewing' option of the file.



Thank you ๐Ÿ‘

I have updated to version 4.0.0 and it is fixed. Thank you!