
Misleading handlers names

leondavi opened this issue · 1 comments

We should fix this right after FullFlowCI integration.
These terms are VERY misleading!

{"/weightsVector",clientStateHandler, [vector,ClientStatemPid]}

Critical mistake - weightsVector is actually batchHandler and vector atom should change to batch_handler

{"/weightsVector",routingHandler, [rout,RouterGenServerPid]},
Critical mistake - weightsVector is actually batchHandler
rout atom change to routing

init of client:
vector -> gen_statem:cast(Client_StateM_Pid,{sample,Body});
change atom vector to batch
change statem pattern to {batch,Body}

nerl_tools:sendHTTP(MyName, To, "weightsVector", Body),
Critical mistake: change weightsVector to atom_to_str(batchHandler)

sendBatch method in sourceStatem:
Change http request of weightVector - it is not weights BUT a batch

createRouters and weightsVector methods - change hookname of weightsVector and its function accordingly to batch_handler

affected files:

  • src_erl/NerlnetApp/src/Router/routingHandler.erl
  • src_erl/NerlnetApp/src/Router/routerGenserver.erl
  • src_erl/NerlnetApp/src/Client/clientStateHandler.erl
  • src_erl/NerlnetApp/src/Client/clientStatem.erl
  • src_erl/NerlnetApp/src/Source/sourceStatem.erl
  • src_erl/NerlnetApp/src/nerlnetApp_app.erl

Addressed in this commit: