
Nordeus - Data Engineering Challenge 2021

Primary LanguagePython

Nordeus - Data Engineering Challenge 2021


    The goal of this application is to create leaderboard based on input league number and previously generated events. Application consists of two parts:

    Generated data is stored in events.jsonl file. Each row in the file represents one event. Event can either be match start, goal or match end. Each event has multiple fields that describe that event in detail.

     Instructions on starting and using application are at the bottom

Cleaning data

    Data is first imported from JSONL file using Pandas library and converted to list of dictionaries. Cleaning process is divided into 4 steps:

  • Deleting duplicate events with same event_id field.
  • Deleting events with incorect event_data field.
  • Deleting goal events which have incorrect time or dont have corresponding match start/end events.
  • Deleting invalid match start/end event pairs.

    Deleting duplicate events is done by creating boolean array with biggest event_id number elements. At the beginning every element in array is set to False. In first pass throughout data list, each event with first-seen event_id will trigger field in array[event_id] to True. Every next event with event_id that already triggered field in array will be added to list for future removal.

    Detecting and deleting events with incorect event_data field is achieved by checking each event (row) in first pass for irregularities. If contents of event_data don't have all fields or if any field inside event_data isn't correct data type, that event will be flagged for removal.

    For deleting invalid goal events we had to create two additional arrays. Each array will, at the end of first pass, have timestamps of match start and match end. Row number in the arrays corresponds to match_id, similar to event_id array. In second pass we check each goal event timestamp to see if its between match start and match end timestamp. If not, those events will be removed at the end of the second pass.

    Last step is deleting ivalid match start/end event pairs, which is done by checking above mentioned match arrays to see if there is any index that exists in one and does not exists in other array. If there is such case, match_id is flagged and during second pass every event with that match_id will be removed.

Creating Leaderboard

     To get Leaderboard for every league, data had to be inserted into two tables: matches and goals. Match table has match_id, league_id, home_club and away_club columns, while goal table has event_id, match_id and scoring_club. They are filled by going throughout cleaned data and inserting it row by row.

     From Match and Goal table, Scores table is created which represents Match table with 2 additional columns. Those 2 columns are number of goals that home and away club scored on match. They are calculated by FULL OUTER JOIN in SQL between two Goal tables and added to Match table with LEFT OUTER JOIN. MySQL does not have FULL OUTER JOIN so it was simulated using UNION of LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN. Teams table is also created and it lists every team grouped by league number.

     Leaderboard table is finally created from Scores and Teams tables. Using LEFT OUTER JOIN on two queries, victory and draw points are calculated and summed, while goal difference is calculated by different query and added to table again using LEFT OUTER JOIN.


Leaderboard of league 8 in MySQL

Running the application

     To run application, you first need to install Python and clone this repository to your PC. Also you will need MySQL Server, MySQL Connector for Python and Pandas library. After that, using CMD, go to location of local repository and execute python main.py. If program started correctly, you need to input MySQL Server informations (username, password and host) and to type number of league whose Leaderboard you want to see.

CMD Leaderboard

Leaderboard of league 8 in CMD