Recommended basic task usage in production
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While experimenting with missionary, I came accross an issue with taoensso.timbre
logging. When logging in the success or error continuation function in a complex enough flow, the log would almost never appear on success/error. It turned out that timbre does a bit of blocking at some point while getting the hostname and according to the task spec the limitations of the continuation functions are:
- don't block the thread
- don't throw exceptions
- return quickly
So timbre but any code unsuspectedly breaking that contract will have undefined behavior.
This means that while having a println
or tap
in your continuation functions when experimenting with a task in the repl is fine, the recommended way in production to handle success/failure is to run the root of the supervision tree with
(task (constantly nil) (constantly nil))
and if you want to do something on success:
(defn task []
(let [res (m/? (actual-task))]
(m/? (on-success res)))
on failure:
(defn task []
(m/? (actual-task))
(catch Exception e
(log/error "OOPS"))