
[povray] How to render seams of adjacent tiles?

felipesanches opened this issue · 5 comments

I am trying to recreate this scene from the game Little Big Adventure 2.
Screenshot from 2023-07-10 05-24-04

So I decided to start by designing those red chairs.
Screenshot from 2023-07-10 02-07-43

I first created a prototype manually, focusing only on the shapes, not caring for colors, and using only the parts I have available in my small pile of bricks:

Then I created a digital model of that on leocad using better colors and a few parts I did not have available here.
Screenshot from 2023-07-10 05-23-51

When I rendered it using POVRay, though, the tiles on the floor ended up looking like one giant floor without seams.

How could I get a rendering result that properly shows the lines separating the adjacent tiles?

The grid lines are in app only, they don't get exported.
It's hard to tell from the picture but are you using a single tile for the floor? I think you'll see seams with a bunch of 2x2 tiles

I'm using a bunch of 2x2 tiles, but they render as if it was a giant flat surface without seams

You can try using the LGEO library, you need to add it in the preferences.

You can try using the LGEO library, you need to add it in the preferences.

What do you mean by "the LGEO library"?