
plugin failing on one test deploy

lepinsk opened this issue · 2 comments

One repo we're testing this on (on Heroku's cedar-10) seems to have a push_metadata.yml file that is considerably different from what we're seeing everywhere else in our testing.

Initially I thought this was a cedar-10 vs cedar-14 issue, but I just created a test app on Heroku, switched the stack to cedar-10 and push_metadata.yml indeed has source_blob.version as we'd expected.

I wonder if this is somehow related to another configuration option on the app? I know that the path where the slug building occurs is different depending on whether the build process is kicked off by a git push to Heroku, or a hook triggered on a GitHub push (the latter including the git hash as part of the path, the former not). Could some other option (module caching?) be causing this? What else could it be?

The other thing that differs in this case (the failing case) is that the push_metadata.yml file contains a commit_hash key, where the value seems to be the previous commit to the current one. (Again, caching?)

Is it possibly related to this being built for a dual-dyno system? I wonder if the build system for that differs.

A tiny bit of info: https://devcenter.heroku.com/changelog-items/521

Just tested with a dual-dyno setup. No luck.
