
Not working on Chrome v17.0.963.46

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It works fine on IE9 or FireFox, but when I tried to upload file via chrome. It just does nothing. The server doesn't receive any data, and no error pop up.

It sounds like there may be something else wrong with the setup. I have a demo app I use for integration specs for rails jquery-ujs, and there is a separate branch I use for the test suite for remotipart. I have Chrome v17.0.963.46 as my daily browser and it's working fine.

My initial recommendation, considering that it's behaving fine in some browsers but not others, would be to pay really close attention to the Content-Type header in the request and response. If this is off, I've seen some browsers guess right and others wrong. But it could also be something else entirely.

Check out the demo app here.

Also, take a look at the homepage of this repo. This repo is no longer maintained. May want to check out the active repo for remotipart: JangoSteve/remotipart

Thank you very much

Were you able to figure it out?

Yes. it turns out it was not working on my VM uploading the file through apache, but it is working fine while not using VM. However, I am happy with the result, after all there is only few people will use VM.