
In 2.0 how do we get hard_wrap=False or parse_block_html=True

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm looking to upgrade from 0.8.4 to 2.0 and I used to invoke mistune like this:

    renderer = mistune.Renderer(escape=False, hard_wrap=False, parse_block_html=True)
    markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer)

Now I see that escape is still an option but the others are gone:

    markdown = mistune.create_markdown(escape=False)

How do I get similar behavior to what I had in 0.8.4?

@samtstern It can be done with a custom inline parser. Since it is a common feature, I've added it back onto InlineParser. You can learn how to use it with the tests in test_misc.

For parse_block_html, we don't have this feature anymore. You can only subclass BlockParser and rewrite the parse_block_html function to get your goal.

@lepture thank you for the quick response and the new support in InlineParser! I'm not quite familiar enough with the library to be able to subclass BlockParser but maybe after I use it some more I'll understand and maybe even submit a Pull Request with the feature.

@samtstern I think it is parse_block_html=True is already supported with escape=False. But there are some tricks:

For example:


## h2 text


Will be converted into:

<h2>h2 text</h2>

But below won't:

## h2 text