
abbr plugin error?

Neutree opened this issue · 2 comments


md.block.register_rule('def_abbr', DEF_ABBR, parse_def_abbr)
if md.renderer.NAME == 'html':
md.renderer.register('abbr', render_html_abbr)
elif md.renderer.NAME == 'ast':
md.renderer.register('abbr', render_ast_abbr)

maybe here def_abbr and should the same as abbr? I run my code local no error, but on github action error occurs

full log here https://github.com/teedoc/teedoc/actions/runs/3069280480/jobs/4957741255

Do not install the library from the pip repository, as this will download and install v2. To use the newer plugins, you have to pull v3 directly from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/lepture/mistune

We have v3 rc releases in PyPI.