
Radius parameter for search is not exposed

cjrh opened this issue · 3 comments

cjrh commented

Hi @lerouxrgd

I was interested to use the radius parameter for search, but I see that it is only exposed in QGQuery and not for regular search:


Was there a specific reason for that, or is it just waiting for someone to make a PR to expose that?


I indeed hard-coded it to mirror Python implementation as you can see here.

However the C API contains a ngt_search_index_with_query that takes a NGTQuery with multiple parameters. So I think the best would be to expose it, I will look into it.

@cjrh this issue has been pending for some time but I have finally managed to tackle it after updating NGT to version 2.

This has been implemented in version 0.6.0, let me know if that works for you.

cjrh commented

Thank you!