
error trying to connect between different networks

metalgigio opened this issue · 4 comments

if i try to connect two user on different networks it gives me this error:

DOMException: Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote offer sdp: Failed to apply the description for 0: Failed to setup RTCP mux.

My mistake, i bad paste the "answer"... anyway it does not work between different networks

i am sorry i cannot help you with this issue. i am by for no webrtc expert. while working on this project i have also noticed that it sometimes has problems connecting across different networks. i was not able to debug the problem.

in the moment i am not working on this project. maybe in the future i will pick it up again and maybe be able to solve this problem.

Thank you for ur answer, it seems that connection without server its a little bit tricky

I tried to connect between different networks, And it worked fine. The only issue is, after few minutes both of them disconnected. Also, This is expected, I guess.