Mixins first class citizens
Closed this issue · 2 comments
bwright commented
I come from a background in C++ and Haskell and have a fair understanding of meta template programming. To my understanding a mixin is a simple macro that supports recursive capabilities. However this in my opinion isn't really powerful enough. I suggest a minor change, that being that a mixin is a value. Currently the system supports this:
.spanX (@index) when (@index > 0) {
~".span@{index}" { .span(@index); }
#grid .spanX(@index - 1);
.spanX (@index, child) when (@index > 0) {
~"> .span@{index}" { .span(@index); }
#grid .spanX(@index - 1, child);
However why can't I do something like?
.fn(@a) {
.@{a} {
color: #FFFFFF;
.map(&fn, "class", "class2");
This mainly could be used by vendor makers, I don't expect it would be in common use but it adds so much power to less.
matthew-dean commented
What's the output of the second block?
lukeapage commented
wrong repo - use