
The startedAfter parametsrs not working on getWorklog method

usmanzia7864561 opened this issue · 5 comments

I want to access a specific time period workLog on the issue but he always return all the worklog,Someone help me to sort this issue.
I have attached the code below

try {
$issueService = $this->initializeJira();

        $IssueSearchResult = $issueService->search($jql);

        foreach ($IssueSearchResult->getIssues() as $issue) {
            $timestemp = Carbon::parse($from)->timestamp;
            $pwl = $issueService->getWorklog($issue->key, ["startedAfter" => $timestemp]);
            $worklogs = $pwl->getWorklogs();
    } catch (Exception $e) {

hi, @usmanzia7864561 I'm sorry for the late reply.

could you share your JQL with me, please?

@lesstif Here is the Jql query
$jql = 'worklogAuthor = "' . $username . '" AND worklogDate >= ' . $from . ' AND worklogDate <= ' . $to . ' AND timespent > 0';

Hi @usmanzia7864561. I'm so sorry.
I can't find the solution for this. I tried several types as parameters, for example, UNIX timestamp or other Time formats, but I always failed.

It is presumed that on-premises does not support search parameters.

good luck!

Eufes commented

I wish you a good day.
@usmanzia7864561 tell me, please, how did you get around the problem?

I tried with such a request body, but it doesn't work:

Доброго дня.
@usmanzia7864561 подскажите, пожалуйста, как получилось обойти проблему?

Я пробовал с таким телом запроса, но тоже не работает:

Thank you in advance.

@Eufes Eufes I I am using a different library to get the Jira workLog. This is the link https://worklogpro.docs.apiary.io/#reference/0/worklogs/get-worklogs-for-a-user.