
V8 Javascript Engine and V8JS PHP extension package for Amazon Linux and RHEL/CentOS 7 users.

v8 and v8js RPM binary spec

These RPM were built to have an easy way to install the google's javascript engine v8 5.x and v8js php extension for EL7 users.

Install from RPM Package

  • You can install prebuilt rpm binary package from here. (Recommended method)
$ wget https://github.com/lesstif/v8js-rpm/releases/download/5.2.371/v8-5.2.371-1.x86_64.rpm
$ wget https://github.com/lesstif/v8js-rpm/releases/download/1.3.1-1/v8js-1.3.1-2.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo yum localinstall v8*.rpm -y 

Building the Binary RPM


  • GNU make
  • g++ 4.8 or newer
  • libicu-devel
yum install gcc-c++ make libicu-devel

compile v8

  1. install depot_tools
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
cd depot_tools
  1. adding PATH variable
export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
  1. download v8 source
fetch v8
cd v8
  1. All build dependencies are fetched by running:
gclient sync
  1. checkout tag
git checkout tags/5.2.371
  1. setting build variable
# use libicu of operating system
export GYPFLAGS="-Duse_system_icu=1"

# Build (with internal snapshots)
export GYPFLAGS="${GYPFLAGS} -Dv8_use_snapshot=true -  Dv8_use_external_startup_data=0 "

# eliminates swarming_client dependency
export GYPFLAGS="${GYPFLAGS} -Dtest_isolation_mode=noop"

# Force gyp to use system-wide ld.gold
export GYPFLAGS="${GYPFLAGS} -Dlinux_use_bundled_gold=0"
  1. compile
make x64.release library=shared snapshot=on i18nsupport=on -j8

create v8 binary rpm package

change /home/lesstif/v8 to your v8 checkout directory.

rpmbuild -bb v8.spec --buildroot=/tmp/v8 --define="pre_built_dir /home/lesstif/v8"

compile v8js

  1. clone v8js
git clone https://github.com/phpv8/v8js
  1. checkout tag
git checkout tags/1.3.1
  1. compile
make test

create v8js binary rpm package

change /home/lesstif/v8js to your v8js checkout directory.

rpmbuild -bb v8js.spec --define="pre_built_dir /home/lesstif/v8js"