
/rss should return application/xml instead of applicaiton/octet-stream

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Lethain.com link is fixed., wr /rss and /rss.xml, the issue is Gatsby mimetype.

/rss is

content-type: application/octet-stream

/rss.xml is

content-type: application/xml

Will have to debug!

The rss.xml is a actually a stale file that isn't being generated at all but was created once a while ago. Digging into gatsby a fair amount, it's unclear to me how I change the content type for the generated RSS file without adding the file extension (which would break existing RSS consumers), so I will retitle this ticket to leave the RSS issue open, but anticipate it's unlikely I will fix it.

I spent more time reflecting on the underlying issue here, and basically as a static site where I don't control the server, I have no way to supply the content-type of the static file, so I believe this is unfixable except by adding .xml extension and breaking all existing RSS feed subscriptions, which I choose not to do, so unfortunately I believe the remainder of this ticket is unfixable. 😞