
Wider OwO vocabulary

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i'm just gonna list some down here
* = wildcard; anything could be there but it can't be nothing
!* = explicitly nothing following
/*/ = IPA pronounciation

don't -> dowon't
/ō/ (e.g. the os in no, also, go) -> wo
/ə/r (e.g. t_ur_ned, f_ur_niture) -> w or wr, whatever feels better
/ē/l* or /ɪ/r (e.g. f_eel_s, f_ear_) (replacing l/r) -> w
/oʊ/ (if not preceded by w) (e.g. coal, sole) will get prepended with w (e.g. -> cwoal, swole)
/i/ (if not preceded by w) (e.g. someth_i_ng, s_i_ck) will get prepended with w (e.g. -> somethwing, swick)
/ē/!* (if not preceded by w) (e.g. b_e, s_ee) will get prepended with w (e.g. -> bwe, swee)

some more emoticons:
.w. = more casual owo
0w0 = same as OwO i think
vwv = more comfortable uwu(?)
^w^ = where is this (i think it's ^^ but idk)
:3c = thinking :3 like 🤔
-w- = idk maybe tired or smth
versions with w replaced with M are much sadder (e.g. oMo, -M- are sadder versions of owo, -w-) but it just feels wrong (sort of)