
Commands issued during lesson 2/2.5

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Storing these here until we figure out where they should really go (if anywhere)

$ ../nomad job status
ID           Type     Priority  Status   Submit Date
hello-world  service  50        running  2021-12-14T17:24:08-05:00

$ ../nomad job allocs hello-world
ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status    Created     Modified
bc001e20  1bd5b87c  web         3        run      running   6m54s ago   6m43s ago
2fa30681  1bd5b87c  web         2        run      failed    7m30s ago   6m54s ago
bee8a517  1bd5b87c  web         2        stop     failed    9m5s ago    7m30s ago
e456f68a  1bd5b87c  web         2        stop     failed    10m8s ago   9m5s ago
56c06768  1bd5b87c  web         0        stop     complete  41m21s ago  34m13s ago

$ ../nomad alloc logs -stderr -tail -f bc001e20
< 2021/12/14 17:31:21.749149  length=59 from=0 to=58
HTTP/1.0 200\r
Content-Type: text/plain\r
Hello, samantha\r

$ curl localhost:23232
Hello, samantha

$ ../consul kv export

$ ../consul kv put hello-world/config to:'PHIL!!!'
Success! Data written to: hello-world/config

# This is invalid YAML and will cause a failed deployment. I had to stop the deployment and revert to a previously successful deployment to get it functional again.
$ ../consul kv get hello-world/config

# I needed to update my value to make it valid yaml because computers
$ ../consul kv put hello-world/config 'to: PHIL!!!'
Success! Data written to: hello-world/config

$ ../nomad job allocs hello-world
ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status    Created     Modified
ec776540  1bd5b87c  web         9        run      running   2m56s ago   2m38s ago
92f4f5ef  1bd5b87c  web         8        stop     complete  3m5s ago    2m51s ago
3ab71232  1bd5b87c  web         5        stop     failed    8m5s ago    3m5s ago

# This is getting a service in kubernetes
$ ../nomad alloc status ec776540 | grep web-listen
*web-listen  yes

$ curl localhost:21381
Hello, PHIL!!!

Thanks for these @pgporada! They definitely inspired me to add more CLI love to the finished Workshop notes.