
Redirect translators to Crowdin

tdelmas opened this issue · 3 comments

The sentence not_yet_translated :

This webpage has not been translated yet. You can contribute <a href="https://github.com/letsencrypt/website\">here.

is displayed on top of untranslated pages.

It should redirect users to https://crowdin.com/project/lets-encrypt-website or at least to https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/main/TRANSLATION.md and not the root of this GitHub.

Sending people to Crowdin is a waste of effort.
Everything is held up in a voting system that prevent good fixes from making it in.
In two years it has been translated to one language.
Move to Weblate and/or link to https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/droidify/localization/ which is a prerequisite for adding new languages. With Crowdin having no stopgaps for adding bogus language codes it makes for a whole extra set of wasted effort and problems nobody wants.

@comradekingu That is not the point of that issue. Crowdin is the platform used for translating this website, so it's more useful to send people there than on the root of this repository. The choice of Crowdin versus another provider has already been debated, and personally I don't regret that choice.

Any progress on this? I still can see the redirect to the GitHub repo.