
Add the Finnish language

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I request adding the Finnish language.

Required information:
languageName: "Suomi"
languageCode: "fi" or "fi-FI"
beforeColon: ""
description: """ Let's Encrypt on ilmainen, automatisoitu, ja avoin varmenteita myöntävä organisaatio, jonka on perustanut voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio <a href="https://www.abetterinternet.org/">Internet Security Research Group (ISRG)</a>. """
numberFormat: "-|.| "

  1. name: "Hanki apua"
  2. name: "Lahjoita"
  3. name: "Tietoa meistä"
  4. name: "Internet Security Research Group (ISRG)"
  5. name: "Palvelun tila"
  6. name: "Työpaikat"

Hello! We can get started on Finnish over on our Crowdin website: https://crowdin.com/project/lets-encrypt-website

In addition to translating on Crowdin, I need this file translated: https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/master/config/_default/menu.en.toml

Also, would you be able to translate "View in Finnish"?

Pinging @tdelmas in case I missed anything

In addition to translating on Crowdin, I need this file translated: https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/master/config/_default/menu.en.toml

The translations are here: https://gist.github.com/androidkotlindev/1f97cb8a32a8fa3b101a205fa707d5d8

Also, would you be able to translate "View in Finnish"?

Yes, that's "Katso suomeksi".

Thanks so much! I've opened the language file on Crowdin. I recommend starting with the en.toml, about, and donate pages

@ashmoremsp I think you didn't miss anything 🙂

@androidkotlindev would you be able to translate this for me?

name = "Become a Sponsor"
weight = 40
identifier = "become-a-sponsor"
parent = "donate"
url = "https://www.abetterinternet.org/sponsor/"

Thank you!

Pinged too! Fine.

name = "Ryhdy sponsoriksi"
weight = 40
identifier = "ryhdy-sponsoriksi"
parent = "lahjoita"
url = "https://www.abetterinternet.org/sponsor/"

Thank you! Right now I have one more error to solve with the translation. I will open a pull request soon so other individuals with more detailed technical knowledge can take a look at the error.

Here is the pull request, there is an error with the deployment. Once this is figured out, the first version of the translation (which is everything that has been translated up until today) will be ready to go.
