
If you need to manually obtain the certificate, here is the easy-to-use web page ACME client on the browser, welcome to use🎉

xiangyuecn opened this issue · 0 comments

This webpage client is only used in scenarios where you want to manually apply for a certificate.

  • The source code of the client side of this webpage has been open sourced, and the access URL is provided by the hosting warehouse, and the source code is transparent and traceable.
  • This client is only a static HTML web page file, without any dependencies, it can be directly saved to your local use.
  • Compared with binary programs and class libraries that are difficult to analyze, html code and network request data are easier to review and more secure and reliable.
  • Compared with command line scripts, web pages have an easy-to-use UI interface and are easier to use.
  • Except for the ACME interface address of the certificate authority you specify, this webpage client will not send data to any other address, and it is easy to check the network data through the browser console.
  • This webpage client does not depend on the operating system environment, no need to download and install software, no need to register, no need to log in.

Online use URL: https://xiangyuecn.github.io/ACME-HTML-Web-Browser-Client/ACME-HTML-Web-Browser-Client.html
GitHub: https://github.com/xiangyuecn/ACME-HTML-Web-Browser-Client

Support to apply for RSA, ECC/ECDSA certificates from certificate authorities that support the ACME protocol, such as Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL, and support multiple domain names and wildcards.

If you don't need automatic renewal and just want to apply for a certificate, using the webpage version of the client should be the best choice.

It may be because of manual operation and the fact that automatic renewal is not supported. The ACME client list on the official website does not provide a browser version of the client. As a result, users who only want to obtain certificates and do not need automation functions must carefully use those clients that are not easy to use.

I have been applying for a certificate through the diafygi/gethttpsforfree webpage before, but the operation was too complicated, and I couldn't find a better web client from the official website, so I wrote my own code and made one, welcome to use🎉.

Certificate Expiration Risk Alert: Since this web client can only be operated manually and does not support automatic renewal, you should pay attention to apply for a new certificate before the certificate expires (free certificates are generally valid for 90 days, you only need to repeat the operation at that time), or use acme.sh and other client automatic renewal.