
"Thank you" page does not generate in translations

ludekjanda opened this issue · 4 comments


EN: https://letsencrypt.org/thankyou/

UK: https://letsencrypt.org/uk/thankyou/

The UK translation exists though: https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/main/content/uk/thankyou.html

The reason is that the source EN page is in HTML: thankyou.html https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/main/content/en/thankyou.html

While for some reasons MD is required for translations: https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/main/content/base-l10n/thankyou.md

We upload content/en/thankyou.html as source into Crowdin, not the MD, the English MD version does not exist.

I think the easy fix would be to rename https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/main/content/en/thankyou.html to https://github.com/letsencrypt/website/blob/main/content/en/thankyou.md

However I am not sure if I would not break anything.

When removing thankyou.md from language folders, I am getting the following error:
ERROR Translated page "/thankyou/" must not have aliases
To test it, I have removed the following from uk/thankyou.html

  - /thank-you

It fixed the issue.

Would it be a problem if I remove the alias from en/thankyou.html? Or is there a way to make the aliases working in the translated files? Then all unused thankyou.md files could be safely removed.

Any chance to make the aliases working in the translated files? Without it I would need to manually change en/thankyou.html every time I push it to Crowdin... The othwer way to fix the issue would be to remove the alias from the current thankyou.html file.

Also I still do not understand why we have thankyou.md instead of thankyou.html in the base-l10n folder

Probably for historical reason, may not be relevant anymore. Feed free to try alternatives to the current state.

The less intrusive solution was renaming en/thankyou.html back to thankyou.md and remove the thank-you alias. The language versions started displaying again: https://letsencrypt.org/uk/thankyou/

I have also made the appropriate source file update in Crowdin.