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Hey @nicsrlv !

Thanks for all the new content from SMEX! There are a few steps that the revival team identifited that need to happen before the content goes live.

Link missing from section: Assessing Risk and Solutions / Security Plans and Protocols / I Decide [NEED RESOURCE FROM IWPR IN ORDER TO RESOLVE]


missing link/content in rethinking security / digital security motivations / personal perceptions of security

change title from rethinking security to defining and framing security


Add link to “Digital Security Decisions” in the paragraph:

This session builds on the work started during the Input session “Digital Security Decisions” in which participants began to reflect on and identify their needs. Now, you will work with participants to begin identifying specific tools and practices for themselves.


Double check that link below works on dev site

Copies of WHRD case infographics (download .pdf)


formatting / markdown issue in content below

**Step 2 | ** Remaining in pairs, now ask participants to share with one another some of the barriers or challenges they anticipate facing within their organizations when presenting their security plans and articulating the need to begin an implementation process.
-- | --


Hyperlink "Personal Perceptions of Security" in section Step6 of page "Rethinking Security - Digital Security: Motivations, Resistances and Barriers
Your Rights, Your Technology"

Broken image - check on dev site

Step 3 | Draw a table like the one below on a large piece of flipchart paper, and list out a number of digital risks under the “Digital Risk” column, using the different risks discussed and shared in Step 1 as examples (be sure to leave room on the right side to add additional columns for later parts of this session):


I think the image breaking is due to the github.io usage; it works on the dev site

missing link/content in rethinking security / digital security motivations / personal perceptions of security

change title from rethinking security to defining and framing security


This was either done or I cannot figure out what further needs doing

Deployed to dev

Deployed to live!