
No license specified

Closed this issue · 12 comments

I generally use the 3-clause BSD for everything myself, but it would be nice to know the terms under which others can use it. Right now it's just 100% owned by __MyCompanyName__, which probably isn't your intention ;o)

intentional :) I think it's just a demo, so I'm happy everyone can use it without limit :)

It would be best if that were explicitly codified somewhere, i.e. in a 'LICENSE' file. Sounds like maybe you'd intend a Public Domain license, something like this one, or an attribution license like this one from Creative Commons or the BSD New License.

Usage would remain very open under all those, but under the latter two you at least need to be named a contributor, and the BSD license would provide some software-specific indemnifications, etc.

Also, having a license makes it a bit easier for us in commercial fields to make use of it— our legal departments get understandably twitchy when we use open-source code with no official licensing information…

OK, I will change the slices and put an License tomorrow:) I it's midnight china, so I'm going to sleep, thanks for your comment:)

The WTFPL may work here, too. http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/

The WTFPL is kind of a joke. One of the CC licences (CC0 or CC-BY) would be more appropriate.

Please do not use a CC license. Creative Commons specifically says: "Creative Commons licenses should not be used for software." http://wiki.creativecommons.org/FAQ#Can_I_use_a_Creative_Commons_license_for_software.3F

Ideally, I'd love to see this licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0.

p.s. thanks for writing this, this is awesome!

Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Those are better options.

@sep332 The WTFPL may be "kind of a joke" but it's a fully valid license, and useful in countries that don't legally permit public domain licenses.

I'd prefer if you used an MIT license as well. And nice work on the project.

It's necessary that putting a License on your project.


OK, MIT License :)