
mock-jwks does not work with jest in Github Actions

jatinmehrotra opened this issue · 1 comments

Locally it works like a charm but when i try to run test in github actions with jest, either it is not istalled by github actions or perhaps not being used by github actions jest runner.

Thank you for raising this issue. Did you read the material for best practices on raising an issue in the readme? If not please do so.

Specifically in this case, I would say it is obvious, that I use CircleCI for CI and not github actions. So it is fair to assume that I do not (yet) know how to use it easily. But from what you are saying, I assume that you know quite well how to use and configure github actions. So should it not be very easy for you to provide a PR with a github action configuration which reproduces your issue? If so please go ahead and create that PR then we can investigate the issue.

From the current issue description I do not know where to start to reproduce or at least I think I will spend ages of time to try and reproduce and potentially will fail because the problem with your setup is elsewhere. So for now I am closing this issue but I would be more than willing to reopen as soon as I have a PR which reproduces your issue.