
Article scrolling hotkeys not working

lrsksr opened this issue · 2 comments

The standard hotkeys for scrolling inside an article do not work:

Shift+Down Scroll down
Shift+Up Scroll up
N Scroll down page
Shift+PgDn Scroll down page
P Scroll up page
Shift+PgUp Scroll up page


The element that gets the scroll event is selected by ID #content-insert in L443 and L446 of Article.js.
In the original theme, the element is scrollable with the article header scrolling out of view when you use the hotkeys or the mouse wheel.
The feedly theme keeps the header while scrolling and only the sub-sub-element #content is scrollable, not the parent. The wrong element gets the scroll event and thus nothing happens.

Thanks for looking into it!

Hi @lrsksr, good catch, thanks for reporting this! Could you please check if it works now?

Wow, that was fast.
I can confirm that it works now, thank you very much!