
disable until N characters for some completions

fommil opened this issue · 7 comments

I have some huge completion tables, and I don't want to be completing until I hit N (probably 3 or 4) characters when there are more than M (probably 50,000) total candidates. Is that possible?

Sure it's possible. Similar arrangements have been implemented in other packages that interface with flx. However, since flx does not expose functions for working on collections, what do you want us to do?

It's specifically the use of projectile-completing-read, are you saying that support would need to be implemented there rather than in flx? I had a look at their code and I can't see how it would be possible to do it there, they are just using standard ido and I had thought that flx-ido was intercepting those calls. I would expect that whatever hook is replacing ido with flx-ido would be able to do this bypass.

You say you don't work with collections, but don't you take some kind a collection as input?

@fommil wait, if you're talking about flx-ido then is the variable flx-ido-limit not enough? Limiting by number of candidates rather than input characters seems more correct.

are you sure about that? Typo maybe?

flx-ido-threshold ... ok! I'll try that on Monday

Sorry about that. I'm traveling and mostly posting from memory.

ok, this does actually help things... thanks!