"Invalid window id" in render()
justinmk opened this issue · 2 comments
justinmk commented
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...e/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/async.lua:61: The coroutine failed with this message: ...ack/paqs
/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/handlers.lua:97: Invalid window id: 1002
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'nvim_win_get_buf'
...ack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/handlers.lua:97: in function 'render'
...ack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/handlers.lua:146: in function 'render'
...te/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/view.lua:137: in function 'render'
...te/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/view.lua:241: in function 'update'
...s/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/handlers/search.lua:114: in function <...s/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/handlers/search.lua:112>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
...e/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/async.lua:61: in function <...e/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/async.lua:55>
Steps to reproduce
- open any file, e.g.
- load scriptnames in the quickfix list
:caddexpr join(map(split(execute('scriptnames'), '\n'), {k,v->matchstr(v,':\s*\zs.*')..':1: '}),"\n") | copen
- find "satellite" in the list and hit Enter to open it
- error is displayed
Previous: #53
lewis6991 commented
I can't quite see how this one is caused since the window id is created and checked in satellite/view.lua:240
and handlers.lua:97
should happen before any schedules.
The repro steps also don't work for me.
EDIT: I've triggered it somehow.
lewis6991 commented
Hopefully that fixes it.