
left mouse click in diff causes "E5108: Invalid window id"

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Describe the bug

E5108: Error executing lua: ...te/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/view.lua:202: scoped variable: Invalid window id: 1043                                                                                
stack traceback:                                                                                                                                                                                                     
        [C]: in function '__index'                                                                                                                                                                                   
        ...te/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/view.lua:202: in function 'get_props'                                                                                                                     
        ...e/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/mouse.lua:237: in function 'handle_initial_leftmouse_event'                                                                                                
        ...e/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite/mouse.lua:344: in function 'handle_leftmouse'                                                                                                              
        ...im/site/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite.lua:144: in function <...im/site/pack/paqs/start/satellite.nvim/lua/satellite.lua:143>

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. with vim-fugitive, in a repo with unstaged files, run :G to see the git status
  2. hit dd on Unstaged. fugitive opens a ft=diff buffer
  3. use :only or ctrl-w o to make it the only window in the tabpage.
  4. click on any line, causes above error.
    • note: error only occurs if there is no satellite scrollbar, i.e. the buffer is small enough to fit in the viewport.
      • this is likely why the :only step is required.
    • note: clicking again does not cause an error.

Expected behavior

no error, place cursor with mouse left click.

