Keypoints Tracking via Transformer Networks

Model for sparse keypoints tracking across images using transformer networks

Paper :

Our approach is hierarchical since a coarse keypoint tracking is accurately refined by a second transformer network. The model can be be used for both: image matching, and keypoint tracking



Image matching

Match two image using SuperPoint descriptors (Basically tracking keypoints extracted by SuperPoint )

  • python --image1_path=path1 --image2_path=path2
  • python if you want to save the result\

For example :

python --image1_path ="./media/im1.jpg" --image2_path="./media/im2.jpg"

alt text

Point Tracking

Tracking the points specified in

  • python --image1_path=path1 --image2_path=path2

alt text

Comparing with SuperGlue

Since there are no analogous works, we provide a comparison with the state-of-the-art method for keypoint feature matching SuperGlue. We tested our model on 2 datasets: COCO2014, and HPatches under different levels of light intensity, and projective transforms. For the evaluation metrics we selected 1) matching accuracy: the match is correct if distance between predicted and real position of the point is less than 6 pixels, and 2) number of correctly matched keypoints.

Results for acc. SuperGlue accuracy Our model accuracy, only coarse module Our model accuracy with fine module
COCO test easy homographies 94.8% 93.5% 95.3%
COCO test hard homographies 91.6% 90.2% 91.7%
COCO test hard homographies + illumination changes 89.0% 87.2% 88.8%
Hpatches hard homographies 91.4% 90.5% 91.5%
Results for number of correctly matched point SuperGlue, number of correctly matched points out of 512 Our model, number of correctly matched points out of 512
COCO test easy homographies 249 358
COCO test hard homographies 240 346
COCO test hard homographies + illumination changes 195 300
Hpatches hard homographies 222 340