
:eafnosupport error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've been trying to test out statix, but I get an :eafnosupport error when trying to report metrics.

I have the a simple test module with default config:

defmodule Statixtest do
  use Statix

When I try to run it in iex -S mix I get the error:

iex(1)> Statixtest.connect()
iex(2)> Statixtest.increment "foo"
{:error, :eafnosupport}

I have a StatsD UDP port open on localhost:8125, same as default config.

I am running Erlang R19, Elixir 1.3.2, on Mac OS X.

Thanks for the report! It has been fixed in master: 991eac3.
I'll put new version on Hex tomorrow.

Impressive turnaround time :) thanks!