
Some feedbacks, and problems about disabling HUD features, and alignments

borzaka opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi guys! First of all, really a great work!

I am using the free version, and I tried it out on some official Matchmaking live matches.

I have couple of feedbacks/problems:

  1. I have disabled the custom radar in the HUD settings, but it's still shown. I know I can hide it with CTRL+B, but it would be nice if I don't enable, it wouldn't even shown up.
  2. I have also disabled (and not used) the custom killfeed, but the "x planted the bomb" / "y defused the bomb" messages are still shown, and interferes with the native game killfeed. Maybe this is also a problem with the custom killfeed as well? How could I disable these custom messages?
  3. Can't hide only the extra boxes (left and right display boxes), because if I hide them, it also hides the utility level boxes and other stats boxes (loss bonus, team money, equipment value), but I want them.
  4. If you don't setup a Match, "Best of 0" will be shown under the timer. It would be nice, to hide that row, if there is no Match setup. Or a no Match would be atomically a BO1, but there are also some unnecessary design changes even with BO1, which is not needed; black bar under map, 1-1 win indicator under teamname.
  5. The win panel is sometimes overlapping with the native killfeed. Maybe this also a problem with the custom killfeed?
  6. The radar (and the custom killfeed) is misaligned with the rest of the HUD elements:
  7. And also dead players on the custom map doesn't look like X's, as seen in other screenshots from boltobserv. And overlapping with live players.
  1. and 2) are happening because toggle menu in the Manager are not for HUD settings - they are for creating the correct config line that is needed to be executed in the CS:GO. 2) can be removed from the HUD by removing from the src/HUD/Killfeed/Killfeed.tsx lines:
GSI.on("bombPlant", player => {
            this.addBombEvent(player, 'plant');
GSI.on("bombDefuse", player => {
            this.addBombEvent(player, 'defuse');
  1. We are thinking about this, but you can do it right now if you now enough about panel.json API, for now it is not a priority.
  2. Fixed in the 1.6.0 release
  3. This will be tackled soon
  4. Fixed in the 1.6.0 release
  5. That's true - we will be redesigning radar soon