
Examples vs Tinyproto documentation

timov50 opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm a bit noob with C++ and have some difficulties to understand how to use Tinyproto.

In the Tinyproto documentation there is mentioned that higher level protocols needs 4 user defined callbacks.

  • int write_func_cb(void *user_data, const void *data, int len);
  • int read_func_cb(void *user_data, void *data, int len);
  • int on_frame_read(void *user_data, void *data, int len);
  • int on_frame_sent(void *user_data, const void *data, int len);

Is the documentation (in out of sync with the main branch because in the examples I find references to the on_frame_read and on_frame_sentfunctions, but not to the write_func_cb or read_func_cbfunctions?

Examples where on_frame_read or on_frame_sent are used:

Or have I missed something essential?



Yes, you're right. Some pages in the documentation are outdated. The source code for the page, you've pointed out is here: Feel free to update it, and create pull request, or I will fix it later.
The most correct "documentation" is examples folder. It is always up to date.

Thank you

Thanks for quick response.
I’m afraid I don’t understand the design of tinyproto well enough to touch the documentation.

E.g., what is going here (esp uart loopback example)?
proto.run_tx([](void *p, const void *b, int s) -> int { return uart_write_bytes(UART_NUM_1, (const char *)b, s); });

I do not understand role ole p* as the uart_write_bytes function (esp-idf) does not use it.

My understanding is that the first part of the lambda is coming from here:
typedef int (*write_block_cb_t)(void *pdata, const void *buffer, int size);
The *pdata is definition:
@param pdata - pointer to user private data - absent in Arduino version

Q: What is the purpose of the *pdata argument? Legacy?

Hi @timov50

*p is just a pointer to the user data, which can be specified via setUserData(), if you need it. So, in the example *p is not used.