
Build with visual studio works, but unable to do a proto begin --> m_handle=null

Richju07 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Team,

I have an issue when I m using the example project tiny_loopback build with Microsoft Visual Studio. Every time that I tried to start proto.begin(), it 's not possible to create the m_handle. It seems that program failed at :

/* Next we allocate some space for peer-related data */
protocol->peers_count = peers_count;
protocol->peers = (tiny_fd_peer_info_t *)ptr;
protocol->next_peer = 0;
ptr += sizeof(tiny_fd_peer_info_t) * peers_count;

if ( ptr > (uint8_t *)init->buffer + init->buffer_size )
LOG(TINY_LOG_CRIT, "Out of provided memory: provided %i bytes, used %i bytes\n", init->buffer_size,
(int)(ptr - (uint8_t *)init->buffer));

In tiny_fd.

The strange things, it's I have not the same behavior if I'm using clang ++ and ninja to build the project.

Is someone found this issue too?

Julien R .

Hi Julien,

Could you please provide complete example to reproduce the issue?
Is your platform Windows 64-bit based on x86 architecture?

Hi Lexus2k,

I'm using visual studio 2017 to build in win 32. I'm using the version of the master branch.

Julien R.

I compiled the project in Visual Studio from master branch:


As you can see, the handle is not null.
Can you provide more details? For example, describe the parameters you use to launch tiny_loopback?

I believe, there is small issue with calculating of required buffer size. Can you please copy "Out of provided memory" message content from debug console? Don't forget to add debug flags before the compilation.