
[Feature Request] app-misc/powerline add support for i3 bar

liketechnik opened this issue · 4 comments

Powerline has support for i3bar as stated in their docs, but I can't find the script referenced there. Am I just not searching in the right place or is this script stripped during the install phase (what I think is happening, because there is no useflag for i3/i3bar)? I'd really like to use the powerline bar for i3.

That's... a very astute question. I've recently contemplated migrating from a custom FVWM theme I've run for the past decade to i3. So, this is painfully relevant to me.

Your assumption is almost certainly correct, although I haven't examined this exact issue in detail yet. We'll definitely need to add a new i3 USE flag and corresponding logic in the python_install_all phase to conditionally install all i3-specific assets, resources, and scripts when that flag is enabled.

I'll try really, really hard to attend to this in the next several days. Apologies for the month-long delay, too. My father-in-law recently passed away. It has certainly been a challenging autumn.

This Canadian maple leaf is for you, @liketechnik. Thanks again! 🍁

Boom. In theory, enabling the i3bar USE flag should now install i3-specific support files.

To integrate these files with your existing i3 configuration, append the following lines to ~/.config/i3/config after replacing the placeholder substrings ${POWERLINE_FONT_NAME} and ${POWERLINE_FONT_SIZE} with the pango-compatible name and size in pt (points) of a Powerline-patched font installed by the media-fonts/powerline-fonts package (e.g., "font pango:Source Code Pro for Powerline 11" after running USE='sourcecodepro' emerge powerline-fonts):

 	bar {
 		status_command python /usr/share/powerline//i3/powerline-i3.py

Relatedly, I've also added Powerline support for lemonbar. Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho.

Thank you very much for including this so fast. Testing it out just in this very moment :)
Merry Christmas!
P.S.: Sorry to hear about the passing of your relative, wish you all the best.

Ok, looks like the i3 plugin needs the i3ipc python library (https://github.com/acrisci/i3ipc-python). The problem is, that this isn't currenlty packages as a gentoo ebuild. But after succesfully installing it locally via the setup.py script, everything's working fine.