
Feature request - database_download.py should check if the files have already been downloaded successfully

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Nicholas,

Thanks for struo2 and hosting the databases, it's a great resource.

I'm using database_download.py to get the databases, but then the connection got interrupted part way through the download and I need to re-start.

From what I can tell from a quick read of the script, database_download.py doesn't do any check for if the file already exists/matches the MD5 before downloading it.

This would be quite a good feature to have.

If you don't have the bandwidth, I could try and find time to code it up and issue a pull request.

What are your thoughts?



Good point @flashton2003
I don't have the bandwidth right now, but maybe sometime soon.
PRs are always welcome!

Thanks Nick, hopefully I'll find the time!