
Highlighting issue with macros

acheroncrypto opened this issue · 2 comments

Using a keyword inside an attribute macro results in corrupted highlighting and unwanted indentation on next line.


Quotes are able to stop the highlighting issue but indentation on next line persists.

Example code

It would have made figuring out what you mean a lot easier if you had presented valid rust code, instead of a bunch of code that is invalid in ways that have nothing to do with what you mean here.

But I guess what you wanted to say is that something like #[foo(mut)] should be valid. Attached patch fixes that.

Thank you but I had already attached a valid code at the end. #[foo(mut)] was actually not causing any issues. The issue started when there is a comma after the mut like in the example I've sent #[account(mut, has_one = authority)].

Don't know if the issue is fixed as the package is not yet updated but thank you.