
:dog2: :card_index: Learn to Code at GDS

Primary LanguageHTML

Learn to Code

The Government Digital Service is a diverse organisation, with lots of people with lots of different skills. Some people who work at GDS are professional software engineers, but many have never written any code.

This repo contains tutorials that are intended to take an absolute beginner through the basics of writing code.


✈️ Pilot ✈️

We're running a pilot of three 1 hour sessions in the first quarter of 2019. Hopefully this will provide us with enough feedback to turn these tutorials into something generally useful.

Rough plan

Since we've only got three sessions we're going to stick to the basics. Initially I'm thinking something like the following:

Introduction to HTML and CSS

In which we build and style a little webpage

Can maybe use design system so it feels like more of an achievement?

Introduction to the command line and ruby

Introduce using the terminal and ruby

irb for testing ruby expressions, ruby blah.rb will run scripts

Maybe the maths game from http://tutorials.codebar.io/ruby/lesson2/tutorial.html ?

Introduction to HTTP and running code on the web

little webrick server that serves HTML / CSS etc. Webrick is nice because we can do it without installing any dependencies.

Can build a form that takes input and does the same thing as the previous exercise.

Out of scope

  • git
  • any terminal things beyond the essential (ls, cd, irb, ruby)?
