
TravelHelper to create e-mail friendly text after scraping flight confirmation page. Re-written in Coffeescript

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

ThoughtWorks Melbourne

Travel Script, written in Coffee Script

Purpose of script:
. to screen scrape flight page, produce e-mail friendly page
. to add hotel bookings, according to info in google spreadsheet
. to add car bookings and travel times
. to export relevant info to a different google spreadsheet

Notes for dev, when running the following commands under the project root directory:
. 'rake' by default will run minify_js and produce TravelHelper.min.js
. 'rake jasmine' will run jasmine server for testing
. 'guard' is set up to compile .coffee files to .js

juicer        	- files packager
yui_compressor  - JS/CSS minifier used by packager (run juicer install yui_compressor after installing the juicer)
Coffee Script 	- little language that compiles into JS
guard         	- watches coffee files changes, auto-compile them to JS
jasmine       	- JS BDD
mustache      	- templating engine

Instructions for installing TravelHelper: 

1. In Chrome go to the 'View' menu and select 'Always Show Bookmarks Bar'

2. Right click on the Bookmarks bar and go to 'Add page...'

3. For the new bookmark add these details: 
Name: TravelHelper
Url: javascript:(function(){document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='https://raw.github.com/lfendy/TravelHelperCoffee/gh-pages/TravelHelper.min.js';})();

(Please note that installing the script this way means that any updates will be automatically applied for you) 

To run TravelHelper: 

Click on the Bookmark in the Bookmarks Bar called 'TravelHelper' when you're on the Virgin/Qantas booking page.