🖥️ A lightweight tool for building great menu bar extras with SwiftUI.
- a-olechtchoukToronto
- akaaliasBerlin
- AlexInn
- AmnellForefront Consulting Group AB
- andrewtheis@hidden-spectrum
- azrocca
- biocross@Grab
- biwsantangThailand
- bogdanfOracle
- bsuhs88University of Alabama In Huntsville
- CastIrony
- christopherweems
- Cubik65536iXOR Technology (@iXORTech)
- danielkastberg
- ennisi
- fabiwlfWiesbaden, Germany
- gastonmorixeNY
- Giuliopime@bot-astro
- guidedways@BeehiveInnovations
- huangwenfei
- jaredh@Shopify
- julianYamanGeberit Verwaltungs GmbH
- LundefulOslo, Norway
- MattKiazykCanada
- mrackwitzWellspent
- mromanbanks
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- rurzamicropixels
- ryngonzalezDoorDash
- space-esquire
- StefKors@oneacre & beamapp.co
- thewozniakCode.cm
- timlehr@wdas
- tuckermacdonald
- wzulfikarHelsinki
- zh-seNN