
A midi tool in cpp

Primary LanguageC++


Build Status

A midi tool in cpp I written in 2011.

The Music Definition Language (MDL)

The music definition language is a simple formal language for defining MIDI music.

The MDL is designed in a way that it is easy to parse. Every symbol is just an ascii character.

There are two kinds of symbols, the note symbol and note modifier.

There are 8 note symbols, including 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,s.

There are two kinds of note modifies, the pitch modifiers and the interval modifiers. One note modifier can be either local or global.

A local modifier is a modifier that modifies the next note symbol.

A global modifier is a modifier that modifies all note symbols after it.

Table of note modifiers:

  local global
+1/12 octave # ?
-1/12 octave b !
+1 octave + >
-1 octave - <
x2 interval ^ ]
/2 interval _ [
x(2 - (1/2)^n) interval .
x(1 + 1/4 + ...) :

Export MP3

On OSX, GarageBand can be used.

On Linux, timidity can be used.

apt install -y lame timidity
midi2mp3() {
    timidity "$1" -Ow -o - | lame - -b 64 "$1".mp3

# midi2mp3 <filename>