TypeError: must be str, not bytes, Python 3.7.3
evanbiederstedt opened this issue · 1 comments
evanbiederstedt commented
Hi there
This makes me think this may be a Python3.x error? I'm using Python version 3.7.3, and trying installing via pip and the github repo:
from fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious import entryfunc
from fastqandfurious import fastqandfurious
myFastq = "a/fastq/file.fq"
bufsize = 20000
with open(myFastq) as fh:
it = fastqandfurious.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize, entryfunc)
for sequence in it:
Here is the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
File "/Users/evanbiederstedt/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/fastqandfurious/fastqandfurious.py", line 191, in readfastq_iter
npos = _entrypos(blob, offset, posbuffer)
File "/Users/evanbiederstedt/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/fastqandfurious/fastqandfurious.py", line 53, in _entrypos
headerbeg_i = blob.find(b'@', offset)
TypeError: must be str, not bytes
The issue is here in _entrypos()
, https://github.com/lgautier/fastq-and-furious/blob/master/src/fastqandfurious.py#L65
def _entrypos(blob, offset, posbuffer):
posbuffer[:] = ARRAY_INIT
lblob = len(blob)
# header
headerbeg_i = blob.find(b'@', offset)
posbuffer[0] = headerbeg_i
Perhaps this is a new issue? Let me know if I could provide more details and help debug.
evanbiederstedt commented
So, this is also a README error, which is sort of obvious in retrospect.
The error is due to how one opens the FASTQ---users must open the file in binary. The following should fix the issue, using with open(myFastq, 'rb') as fh
from fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious import entryfunc
from fastqandfurious import fastqandfurious
myFastq = "a/fastq/file.fq"
bufsize = 20000
with open(myFastq, 'rb') as fh:
it = fastqandfurious.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize, entryfunc)
for sequence in it:
I'll revise in #6