
The code for the ACF Blocks WordCamp Europe Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WordCamp Europe ACF Blocks Demo Slider Block

This is a demo ACF block as a plugin which contains it's own fields and utilises the ACF JS API to initialise a third party jQuery library.

Folder Structure

  • /assets/*
    • This contains the block specific js and css files, along with the the .asset.php file which contains the dependencies and version data for the JS file, as defined by WPDefinedAsset.
    • Our slider.js file hooks into the render_block_preview/type=slider ACF JS action to ensure we initialise the slick library correctly at the right time - we also handle destroying and reinitialising slick whenever the slide content changes in the admin.
  • /fields/*
    • This contains one file containing our field definitions. This is based on a field group exported from ACF's admin pages, but with the location rules removed as we add them to ensure they apply to this block in the acf-slider-block.php file in the root.
  • /slick/*
    • This is the third party slick library from Ken Wheeler.
  • /acf-slider-block.php
    • This is the core plugin file which registers our block, and adds the hook to acf/include_fields to load our field JSON. This also registers slick as a script, so we can reference it as a dependency in our assets/slider.js file (via assets/slider.asset.php).
  • /block.json
    • This is the core block.json file which contains the block definition, ACF specific options, and supported features.
    • As this block uses a third party library, and doesn't support <InnerBlocks /> we also disable JSX support to bring better compatibility with slick's reinitialisation.
  • /slider-template.php
    • This is the PHP template which renders the fields and all associated HTML on both the admin and front-end. A specific $is_preview switch ensures we only output our debug text in the admin views.