Linux Bing Wallpaper Shell Scripts
It sets wallpaper of the Day as your Linux Desktop
supports XFCE4, GNOME (2 and 3) and KDE4.
Download these two scripts.
Put them somewhere (~/bin for example)
Change mkt varible in to your market (valid values are: en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP, en-AU, en-UK, de-DE, en-NZ, en-CA)
Give the scripts execution permissions.
Make them autostart. (Google is your friend)
So next time you boot your computer for the first time a day, it'll run once.
Next boots it will run too, but do nothing.
Easy commands
cd ~
mkdir bin
wget -o bin/
# If you use KDE
wget -o bin/
chmod +x bin/*.sh
# Default behavior
# First param is Market
# Second param is true to exit immediately if you want to use a cron
# (otherwise, script will sleep 24 hrs)
./bin/ en-US true
Example cron usage (crontab -e for your user)
# m h dom mon dow command
* * * * * ~/bin/ en-US true