
Compatibility module for Bukkit Material, Sound, etc.

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Use XMaterial in 25/EnchantmentsEnhance to compare item type, and achieve good compatibility with 1.13 higher version server. Can I package XMaterial and Sound separately in the ldk-bukkit-compatibility module and open source with the Apache 2.0 license? @25

I have only helped the XMaterial, so I forwarded this question to Leonard Ong Rui Fu since he is the author.

okay, thanks

@MrBlobman Requesting license for sounds compatibility library.

I assume you are referring to https://gist.github.com/MrBlobman/64db96857209d93598300ace9d2b02d0? If so I've added the MIT header to it, if you need anything more please just ask :) I am not as active on this account but I do get the emails if you decided to depend on any libraries and try to maintain things as needed even if adding features has slowed down.

@MrBlobman That is perfect. Thank you!😄

@MrBlobman Thanks, I will. If there is any activity, please review this issue.

Received the license from XMaterial's author. I am starting the integration process with bukkit materials.

For all changes, please see #17, #19